About Manj

My obsession is helping you transform into the person I know you can be. I will believe in you until you believe in yourself!

manj bahra sitting on wall

My story

Growing up, I was a hopeless romantic. Watching 90s TV and rom-coms taught me to be a nice guy, make big gestures, and be romantic. Little did I know, this was a one-way ticket to the friend zone!

For years, my dating life was a series of painful rejections and unrequited love. I fell hard and fast for people who didn't feel anything for me. I had my heart repeatedly broken, leaving me wondering what was wrong with me, why I wasn't enough, and whether I'd ever meet someone.

Then came a life-changing moment - my biggest heartbreak.

And while it hurt, it was also the turning point. I decided enough was enough. I stopped reading the bullshit articles online and listening to cliche advice. I did my own research. I dug deep into psychology and neuroscience. I understood why I behaved how I did and how to change.

And a transformation was born.

For the first time, I realised I wasn't crazy; I just didn't have the right information. Things started to shift rapidly. Within months, I met the girl of my dreams, who is now my wife.

In 2018, I started sharing what worked for me with my articles on Medium. The response was overwhelmingly positive, and soon, coaching enquiries came. In 2021, I left my job in banking to go full-time as a coach.

Today, I dedicate my life to helping people who feel hopeless in dating turn it all around. Because I know how it feels, but I also know it's possible to get out of it.

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